Our tools. Your success.


Strategy, Planning, Execution

We manage your internal and external communication strategies.


Workflow, Strategy, Execution

We know the plan for your individual success story.


Multiplier, Media, Journalist

We know your target group and your multipliers….

…perhaps better than themselves.


Production, Design, Marketing

We create beautiful online stories that convert visitors into fans or customers.


Analysis, Strategy

We know how to promote content that helps your business to look beautiful. Online and offline.


Planning, Execution, Online, Offline

We create experiences that inspire, impress and provide results.


Multiplier, Influencer, Blogger

We support brands and individuals to engage audiences worldwide through top influencers.


Development, Engagement

We know how to access your audience.

Apps, Bots, Development

Mobile, Web, Event

We deliver state of the art automated interaction with your audiences on all relevant platforms.


Selection, Planning, Analyzation, Owned, Earned, Paid

We know what your audience loves and hates and where they get their inspiration about it.

Report Analysis

Online, Offline

We know the consumer and marketing insights and figures that are relevant for your topics and targets.


Production, Video, Images, Text, Event

We know the content that works for your business and we know why.


Qualitative, Quantitative

We identify trends and signals that touch your business tomorrow.


Classic, Digital, Social

We know how stories make headlines since 1990.


Stakeholder, Institution, Opinion Leader

We know stakeholders, opinion leaders and institutions that drive your topics.


Ads, Print, Digital, Live

We create brand experiences: Physical, digital and usually emotional.

Here we are…


Ihre Ansprechpartner:


Jeschenko MedienAgentur Köln GmbH
Rudolf Jeschenko
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

E-Mail: r.jeschenko (a) jeschenko.de

Tel.: +49 221 3099-0


Jeschenko MedienAgentur Berlin GmbH
Stephan Wirtz

E-Mail: info (a) jeschenko-berlin.de

Tel.: +49 30 443183-0

Jeschenko gibt es zwei Mal in Deutschland und weltweit über das responsive und unabhängige JAE Netzwerk.

In Deutschland unterhält Jeschenko zwei bestens vernetzte, selbständige und unabhängige Agenturstandorte in Köln und Berlin.

Über ein responsives Netzwerk Jeschenko Alliance Europe mit 17 Partneragenturen in Europa, Asien und Amerika steuert Jeschenko jede pan-europäische oder weltweite Aufgabe mit Kommunikations-Profis aus der ganzen Welt.

Für jede Aufgabe stellen wir ein individuelles Kommunikations-Setup zusammen. Fragen Sie nach unseren internationalen Projekten.